Study guide for nursing competitive exams

Medical-Surgical Nursing (Question set 3)

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Xerostomia means__
    A) Inflamation of the stomach
    B) Dry mouth
    C) Hair loss
    D) Difficulty in swallowing

2. Radio-isotopes used for treatment of cancer are__
    A) Isotope of cobalt
    B) Cesium - 137
    C) Iodine - 125
    D) All

3. Gradual sensorineural hearing loss that occur with aging is known as____
    A) Presbycusis
    B) Perceptive
    C) Conductive
    D) Receptive

4. Which of the following is a diagnostic test for diagnosis of prostate cancer-
    A) Digital rectal examination
    B) Transrectal ultrasound
    C) PSA (Prostate specific antigen asaay)
    D) All of the above

5. After laryngectomy the position that should be given to patient is-
    A) Fowlers
    B) Supine
    C) Lateral
    D) Prone

6. Collapse of lung tissue is termed as__
    A) Atelectasis
    B) Bronchiectasis
    C) Tracheobronchitis
    D) Pneumonia

7. Sudden irregular aimless involuntary movement found in rheumatic fever is known as___
    A) Carditis
    B) Polyarthritis
    C) Chorea
    D) Ataxia

8. Cardiac tamponade is a___
    A) Inflammation of heart
    B) Accumulation of fluid in pericardium
    C) Injury to cardiac valves
    D) None of these

9. Which of the following is the most common trisomy__
    A) trisomy 18
    B) trisomy 21
    C) trisomy 11
    D) trisomy 5

10. Action of Dopamine is__
    A) Maintain BP
    B) Maintain pulse rate
    C) Maintain temprature
    D) Improve respiration

Gomez Classification: Protein energy malnutrition (PEM)

Gomez classification one of the earliest systems for classifying protein‐energy malnutrition in children, based on percentage of expected weight for age.


Formula for weight for age (%):


                                                                    Weight of the child

           Weight for age (%) =     ________________________________

                                                  Weight of the normal child of same age



Weight of age (%)




Normal Nutritional status



Mild malnutrition (1st degree)



Moderate malnutrition (2nd degree)



Severe malnutrition (3rd degree)


Apgar scoring

A measure of the physical condition of a newborn infant. It is obtained by adding points (2, 1, or 0) for heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, response to stimulation, and skin coloration; a score of ten represents the best possible condition.



1960s: named after Virginia Apgar (1909–74), the American anesthesiologist who devised this method of assessment in 1953.


Sr. No.


Score of 0

Score of 1

Score of 2




Swallow, irregular

Good, crying


Muscle tone


Some flexion of extremities

Active body movements


Reflex response

No response




Heart rate


Below 100

More than 100


Skin color

Blue, Pale

Body pink extremities blue

Completely pink










 Total score – 10

1.     Apgar score between 8-10 indicates no depression.

2.     Apgar score between 4-7 indicates mild depression.

3.     Apgar score between 0-3 indicates severe depression.


Medical-Surgical Nursing (Question set 2)

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Tetany occurs due to__
    A) Hypernatremia
    B) Hyponatremia
    C) Hypocalcemia
    D) Hypercalcemia

2. Main complication of appendicitis is__
    A) Perforation
    B) Piles
    C) Jaundice
    D) Liver cirrhosis

3. In head injury, mannitol is given to____
    A) Prevent seizures
    B) Decrease ICP
    C) Maintain body temprature
    D) Loss of appetite

4. Commonest cause of liver cirrhosis is-
    A) Infection
    B) Analgesics
    C) Alcohol
    D) Caffine

5. Eye padding is applied on unconscious patients to prevent-
    A) Dryness of eye
    B) Blinking of eyes
    C) Corneal ulcer
    D) Eye movement

6. Top priority treatment of ventricular fibrillation includes__
    A) ECG monitoring
    B) Proper positioning
    C) CPR
    D) Catheterization

7. Stages of malaria fever includes except___
    A) Cold stage
    B) Hot stage
    C) Fever stage
    D) Sweating stage

8. What is the cause of anaemia in chronic renal failure___
    A) Decreased erythropoietin
    B) Hemolysis
    C) Production of immature RBCs
    D) Inappropriate renal functioning

9. Management of cardiac arrest include except__
    A) Massive I.V. infusion
    B) O2 therapy
    C) Clearance of airway
    D) Cardiac compression

10. Guillain barre syndrome is a disease of which of the following__
    A) Brain
    B) Spinal cord
    C) Peripheral nerve
    D) All of the above